& Arts Center
The Falls City Library
The Library Can Be Supported A Variety Of Ways

Many kinds of donations are accepted. Funds, books, movies, craft supplies, etc. The donor may specify how their donated funds be spent: books, films, technology, programs, memorials.
Some donated materials may be entered into the catalog, some may be added into the ongoing book sale.
Richardson County Art and Humanities Council Membership
Memberships are needed to support art exhibits, author visits, speakers and workshops. Over the years art work can show its age under the best conditions. Donations for restoration will help repair and preserve these works of art for now and for future generations to appreciate over the years.
Friends of the Library
The Friends are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping the Falls City Library & Arts Center provide valuable experiences to the community- your donations and memberships dues fund prizes for summer/winter reading programs, snacks and supplies for after-school programs and other exciting library events!
Volunteers are a wonderful asset to the library staff! Each day hundreds of books and films are circulated and returned. They need cleaned, organized, and shelved. Volunteers also help prepare new materials. Ask if you can help your library!
For more information, speak to Allie McCann, Library Director
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 9AM to 6PM
Thursday - 9AM to 6:30PM
Friday - 9AM to 5:30PM
Saturday - 9AM to 12PM​​